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7 steps to make your site on the front pages of SEO search engines

7 steps to make your site on the front pages of SEO search engines 

One of the common questions for most novice website owners and bloggers is:

  • What is the way to improve Seo in my site with regard to search engines?
  • This also falls under the question of how to improve your site SEO.
  • Taking into account the many benefits that improved search engines can bring to your site and activity.

7 steps to make your site on the front pages of SEO search engines

It is very clear that this question is repeated by website owners and novice bloggers. While the answer can sometimes be complicated, there are some concrete steps you can take today to improve your ratings and ranking with search engines, especially Google and google's latest updates.

Everything you need to know about improving SEO search engines

Improving and configuring your location for your search engine are tidy steps you make on your site and contain rules to make your site more relevant to search engines. These rules can play a very important role in raising or reducing your site if you don't improve and make sure the steps are secure.

For example, you can skip and block accidental access to the search engine robot program and you can't read and index your pages via an error in roboot commands, for example. Txt on your site, or the location map file contains irrelevant URLs such as site registration links or member profile links. . . All files are not important and should be indexed on your site as long as your site displays articles, explanations, programs, or movies. . Etc.

Whether your modifications are large or small, all rules have to do with one thing: how to improve your location to appear using search engines.

In the context of how to be an SEO expert, "optimization" means two things:

  • Make your website better to see bigger in search engines.
  • Make your website better than your competitors.

Let me explain to you a simple example of how Seo improves your site or improves SEO search engines.

Let's say two similar sites compete for first place on Google, on a particular keyword. One site has an SSL protocol and the other does not have an SSL protocol.

  1. With both sites equal to all other things, the Secure Website (SSL) will rank higher in search results than an unsafe site. Why is that? Because SSL certification is part of Google's rating algorithm.
  2. AWe will certainly wonder between you and yourself does this mean that if you make my website have an SSL security certificate today, it will magically rank higher in search results with search engines or so-called SERPS?
  3. Surely the answer will be no, and why there are at least 200 other factors google takes into account when arranging websites and sites with an SSL security certificate is one of the 
  4. However, because you have improved SSL, your website has an advantage over other websites that do not have an SSL certificate: activating communication over https protocol.

In other words, one factor alone will not give you the highest ratings, but if you work on your website for how Seo improves your site or improves SEO search engines, you'll eventually get better ratings than your competitors..

 7 steps to make your site on the front pages of SEO search engines

Here are the 7 steps that make your site on the front pages of your website's SEO search engines:

Give search engines what you need

  • What do search engines need from you and show them on your site? The answer is simply content, that's what will make users satisfied with your site, and that's simply the answer.

  • Honestly review your website's content, and if you find a page on your site that doesn't first appear on a particular topic when searching Google and instead displays a page from another site, you should wonder why Google should view your page instead of some other pages on other sites that appear in search results instead of you as you think. And why Google view those pages instead of your page... Here's the pause and here you have to address the problem with the content of your site pages.

  • Are they unique and innovative pages? You rarely find a topic that no one has written, but that doesn't mean you can't create unique and original content, even if it's based on something that's already been posted on the web.

  • Take, for example, the article you're reading now. If you're looking at Google for "how to improve Sio for your site, you'll find hundreds of articles, but this article is unique and unique to my website and original because it takes a different angle on the subject than other published articles.

  • Is it long enough? The study after the study confirms that the length of content is important when it comes to SEO and social participation. The latest version of hubspot shows once again that 2,250 to 2,500 words of content works best in search engines and that more than 2,500 words content performs better on social media.

  • Is it permanently renovated and updated? Renewed content is always a great way to improve Sioux for your site. You can read my previous article explaining the update of your old blog articles is important for increasing the number of visitors and improving Sioux 2020 on your site, by posting constantly renewed content, you are likely to earn more organic visits in the short and long term.

  • Is it keeping up with the adjustments and modernity in his field? Have you ever imagined how many web pages are already available online and how much information is growing? The numbers are amazing of course.

  • Search engines are interested in old content, but their primary interest is to provide their users with up-to-date content, which is one of the reasons why your site needs to update frequently with new content.

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