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The difference between Blogger and WordPress

The difference between Blogger and WordPress in 2022

The difference between Blogger and WordPress


If you want to create Wordpress and still don't know the difference between Blogger and WordPress and which is better for your location type!

This article helps you get the full information to get to know which is the best blogger or Wordpress?

Which is more appropriate for your type of site and experience in managing a site or blog.

And because we know that WordPress is the No 1 blogging platform globally and the most uploaded and used among its competitors.

What are the top tips to do after using WordPress on your site.

I advise you to read this article to the end to learn about the difference between Wordpress and Blogger.

Also in order to get the full information and choose the platform best suited to your location type.

The difference between Blog and Word

A lot of daily inquiries come to me from some of the users interacting on Domain's hosting and our Facebook page about the type of best hosting and best platform in order to create a website.

And between a request to create a website or a blog increases the debate about which is the best blogger or WordPress?

First of all, what is WordPress?

If you don't know what WordPress is, the answer in short is the most widely used CMS content management program in the world as well as other platforms.

WordPress was launched in 2005 and since its launch the number of users has been constantly doubling until major companies and brands have used WordPress to manage their website.

Second, what is Blogger?

Blogger is a blogger platform launched by Google in 2000 to help users have a personal blog that enables them to write blogs (articles) in various fields.

Google supports Blogger with protection and special servers to provide the user with a presence on the Internet through a free blogging platform that is fully protected.

The difference between Blogger and Woodpress at this point is Google's support for the Blogger platform, which is starting to fade away and may be abandoned by Google as Google Plus has been abandoned before.

Why is the difference between Blogger and WordPres "big"?

If you want the truth in a nutshell, "the difference between Blogger and WordPress is too big for WordPress."

Yes, WordPress surpasses blogger in many features, the most important of which is development and the possibility of creating large sites with different modern designs.

As for Blogger, Google stopped supporting the platform outside Google's hosting servers, making it limited to those looking to create a blog blog for simple blogging.

Engineer Matt Cutts uses WordPres website

One of Google's most famous engineers is Mr Matt Cutts who has a blog followed by millions around the world.

And since he was a Google engineer, he was supposed to use a blog blog on his site. Isn't it!!

However, Matt prefers to use Wordpress in one of the world's most popular blogs, his personal blog.

In this regard, Mr. 

Matt sees no problems with Blogger Sue that WordPress has greater advantages and more regulation.

And when you use strong WordPress hosting you get a quick location that Google adores.

The difference between Blog and Wordpress is 10 points.

In the following lines I write you the summary of the difference between Blogger and Wardpress in 10 main reasons you should know.

First  WordPress supports most important languages

The WordPress supports more than 20 of the world's most widely used languages, the most important of which are Arabic, English, French and many of the most widely used languages.

And you can install any language at any time in less than a minute yourself from inside the Wordpress dashboard with ease.

Second  install Wordpres in less than a minute for free

Ask wordpress to be installed from customer service if you have hosting in one of these companies:

Or you can through the hosting dashboard install the WordPress with one click and have the WordPress site ready to work.

Third  Easy to use for beginners

One of the most important features of the difference between Blogger and WordPress is the reliance on ease and simplicity in its control panel in terms of:

  • Mobility and blogging.
  • Writing professional essays.
  • Establishment of lists and organization of the site.
  • Add templates and additions.
  • Coordination and modification of site design.

All this you can do yourself and without asking for help from an expert just look for what you want to do at Wordpress and find solutions in all the languages of the world.

Google also loves the internal organization of the site from the first programming method to regular blogging and publishing.

Fourth  Wordpress is 100% free

  • Through WordPress you can create a free website and at no cost.
  • Where you can rely on free Cpanel and free domain hosting, to install Wordpress Baldomin
  • The use of WordPress templates is free at no cost.
  •  Isn't it inviting you to experience.

V  WordPress is open source and programmed in PHP

  • Wonderful in wordpress is the most popular and used PHP programming language in the world.
  • The company producing the successful WordPress program has made it open source, that is, anyone can modify it, develop it or remove it from its components and reuse it at its site without referring to the developer.
  • Technical support in all the world's languages from many sites specializes in providing smart solutions to overcome most of Wordpress's problems facing users.

Sixth  Use WordPres for any location idea

  • The difference between Blogger and WordPress in site design is that you can use WordPress for any location idea.
  • Even if you set up an online store, you'll find a lot of templates to support your ideas. See here the best moulds of Wordpress.
  • One of the most important points of WordPress is that there are multilingual WordPress templates that give you great designs.

WordPress templates

VII Best for archival search engines

For all those interested in commerce and electronic marketing, WordPress is the most structured platform in terms of code programming and coordination that Google and other global search engines focus on in archiving sites.

So many online marketers have come to use WordPress on their sites because it's Google-loving and more structured.

Particularly if cloud hosting is used with Wordpress, you'll find yourself massively outperforming competitors.

VIII  Lowest rate of software errors in Wordpres

No content management platform is devoid of software errors that the team is constantly updating, so WordPress has the lowest rate of software errors among other platforms.

In each update, the support team fills the most important security gaps to protect the Wordpress sites from easy penetration.

If you're looking for the difference between Blogger and WordPress, you should put the previous point within your priorities.

Insurance and protection

WordPress features protection and safety through security updates that staff are constantly working on.

Also using WordPress hosting is as powerful as the one in hosting A2 Hosting.

Tenth: More than a million Plugin and Template template

You'll find in WordPress a lot of multitasking additions that you can choose from to do the job inside your site.

We advise you of the best and most important 10 Wordpress additions that are indispensable at any WordPress location.

And you can get professional WordPress templates through this site.

WordPress templates

Summary of the difference between Blogger and Wordpres

Of course my categorical answer is to build your new location through the WordPress platform, if you're looking for professionalism and simplicity.

  • So I tried as much as I could to make them just 10 reasons why you use the WordPress platform as well as any other platform.
  • But Wordpress needs more subjects to explain his features and you'll see for yourself that he's able to manage your site professionally.
  • So if you get to know the difference between Blogger and Wordpress, now start looking for a proper domain or buy cheap hosting with free domain and create a free wordpress and show off in your new world.. Good luck to everyone.

What is the best blogging site?

WordPress is the best program to manage a site or blog according to current statistics.

Blog or Word which is better?

According to the stats, Wordpress beats Blogger and all the other platforms.


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